Shaders in Unity
Step by step
- ShaderLab
- Vertex and Fragment shader
- Variables in Cg
- Structures
- Functions
- Shader semantics
Demos / Training
- Diffuse + Emission
- A + D + Phong + E (per vertex)
- A + D + Phong + E (per fragment)
- A + D + Blinn-Phong + E (per fragment)
- Cel-shading (Formula)
- Lambert diffuse + specular per vertex
- Lambert diffuse per vertex
- Unlit shader
- Diffuse (per fragment)
Noises / Patterns
- Perlin Noise 2D
- Pseudo-Random
- Truchet pattern : Arabesque
- Truchet pattern : Enclosure
- Truchet pattern : Bacteria
- Truchet Pattern : Mesh
- Truchet pattern : Snakes
- Truchet pattern : Black circles
- Truchet Pattern : Circles
- :10 print chr$(205.5 + rnd(1)); :goto 10
- Matrix effect
- Rotating vanishing lines
- Animated concentric circles
- Switch Texture depending player pos
- UV rotation with Matrix
- Flag with Lighting
- OutLine And ScreenSpace texture
- Green ChromaKey with transparency
- Dissolve depending depth
- Dissolve 3D object
- Dissolve sprite
- Invert color
- Fog
- Textures depending Lighting
- Fading when too edge
- Fur shader
- Vertex color depending their ID
- Discard faces depending normal&camera
- Alpha depending distance from camera
- Section
- Burning paper
- Varying color with ramp texture
- Animated flag
- Video in video with green chromaKey
- Blur effect with grab pass
- Deform a model with bezier curve
- Cosmic effect
- Bilboard bush
- Volumetric sphere in a cube
- Picture in picture (green chromaKey)
- Moss on rock
- Force field (rim effect + texture)
- Shadow with vertex / Fragment function
- Echolocation effect
- Distort a scene with Grab Pass
- Outline for 3D models
- Basic jelly effect
- Outline for sprite
- Misc. effects with grab pass
- Lava effect with flow map
- Pixelation
- Water distortion with noise texture
- Waves with a plane
Geometry shaders
- Flat shading
- Extrude Faces
- Turn Quads into pyramids
- Turn Triangles into Pyramids
- WireFrame
- WireFrame (without diagonals)
Post rendering
- Chromatic aberration
- Triangle Mosaic
- Oil painting effect
- Checkerboard
- Spotlight effect
- VHS tape effect
- Post rendering noises
- Grayscale depending z-buffer value
- Game Boy effect
- Pencil effect
Surface shader
- Wireframe like
- Circle on terrain
- Invisible crate with stencil buffer
- Rim effect
- Customizable bump map
- Scrolling texture
- Snow effect
- Triplanar mapping
- World space texture
- Texture changing with normal value
- Tessellation depending dist from cam.
- Miscellaneous rim effect
- Discard fragments with texture
- Sepia effect with final color function
- Soccer field lawn
- Glass with skybox reflection
- Fixed Tessellation
- Simple electric arc
- Flatten a model
- Pit an object with a stencil buffer
- Firebal effect with ramp texture